How to Start Loving Exercising at Home

After being in lockdown for what feels like an actual eternity now, I know so many of you are still struggling with how to actually enjoy exercising at home.
Our homes have become offices, schools, gyms and so much more than we ever used them for before.
They have become spaces to #staysafe and also places that we feel a little bit trapped, fed up and claustrophobic in.
With everything else we have going on at home it can be difficult to create a space where you can actually enjoy exercise.
In this blog post I’m going to share how I've been supporting my clients to create a space to genuinely enjoy exercise at home.
What’s first?
Create Space
This is easier said than done for some people I know. However, having an area, inside or outside and no matter how big or small that becomes the fitness space – is key. It helps to have somewhere to go.
This will stop you staring blankly wondering where to get set up, how much space you’ll have and the inevitable not bothering at all.
This is also a great idea if you’re not keen on other people being around when you exercise. It feels like a safer space to get a sweat on if you can shut yourself away and just crack on.
Head Outside
There is nothing quite like exercising outdoors. I genuinely believe nature is one of the best forms of therapy.
Whether you have a yard, a balcony, a garden or some space out the front. Use it.
Since lockdown began, I have been training a client of mine twice a week on the pavement outside her terrace house. We see her neighbours, who are always impressed with her dedication. We see and say hello to delivery drivers and milkmen.
Space inside for her isn’t an option and so the easiest and most obvious choice for us was to head outside.
Exercising in fresh air and sunshine (if we’re lucky) feels great.
Schedule It
You need to commit to it like you would a dentist or hairdresser appointment.
Make time for it and pop it in the diary so that reminder is there and you’re less likely to start other tasks that will mean you never get round to it. It needs to be a non-negotiable when you’re exercising at home alone so that you can guarantee you will stick to it.
If you’re putting it in the diary, be realistic with yourself about when you’re likely to actually get it done.
If you’re a night owl, that 6am workout is never going to happen. Work with yourself and your natural routines and habits, not against them.
If this is something you really struggle with then hold yourself accountable. Tell someone you trust what you're workout plans are for the week ahead so that they can help keep you on track.
You can also use my FREE Weekly Workout Planner from my Wellbeing Resources on my website, available HERE when you subscribe.
Headphones In
There is something about your favourite songs playing that makes a workout easier to get through. No matter what your musical cup of tea is (I have an interesting taste in music to say the least) there is always a playlist or album to suit your mood.
If I can’t be bothered to find something to listen to, I always go for my On-Repeat playlist on Spotify. It never lets me down.
Have a Plan
Now you’ve decided on your workout spot and your playlist – what’s the plan?
Just like when you go to the gym and you’ve an idea of the machines you want to use or the equipment you might need, exercising at home should be no different.
Aimless exercise with no real structure feels frustrating and unproductive.
Keep it simple and pick 5 exercises to do in a circuit with a minute rest each round. It will give you a structure to go at and if you have time you can add any extra stuff in you might be in the mood for.
If you’re still struggling for where to go with your workouts why not head to my Wellbeing Resources page on my website and download my FREE Home Workout HERE when you subscribe.
Exercising at home definitely isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but until the gym’s are back open again, hopefully this will give you some ways to make your home workouts more enjoyable.